Three Easter Games and Icebreakers to Have in Your Back Pocket

Easter is one of those times when people you haven’t seen in a long while show up, and when that happens its important to have some ice breakers in your back pocket to help everyone get reacquainted. Here are three great ones with an easter twist:
Five quick questions
This icebreaker combines memory and funny information into a great way to do an up-front icebreaker with a group.
- Bring five students up to the front to answer five quick easter-oriented questions. Each student will be given five sheets of paper (one per question) and a marker.
- The MC will then ask them the five questions as a group making sure they write their one-word answer on each sheet of paper.
- Once the questions have been asked, the MC will ask the first person to read all five words in order, and then turn to the next person asking them to do the same. The MC should not repeat the questions, but just ask the students to list the words.
- Then it’s time to get five “remembering volunteers” who think they can remember everyone’s answer to step forward.
- The MC will take one of the remembering volunteers and read one of the questions. The volunteer will then be asked to reorder the group of initial student volunteers based on their answers (for example: those who answered solid will be on the left and those who answered hollow on the right).
- Once the remembering volunteer is sure they have the participants positioned correctly, the students will hold up their answers to reveal whether or not the remembering volunteer succeeded. This is repeated until all questions are answered.
Here’s a list of Eastery questions:
- Is the Easter Bunny real or fake?
- Which is better: solid or hollow Easter chocolate statues?
- Yes or no, is our youth pastor strong enough to have sealed Jesus’ tomb with a rock?
- Who got to the tomb first: Peter or John?
- Can bunnies lay eggs?
Easter Memories
This story-telling icebreaker helps students open up about their own memories of Easter in their past. Go around the group asking students to say their names and share one of these Easter memories.
- What is your earliest Easter memory?
- What is the funniest thing that ever happened to you on Easter?
- What is the worst outfit your parents ever made you wear on Easter?
- What is your favorite thing about Easter?
Creating an Easter Story
This icebreaker will spark your group’s creativity as they create a story as a group using special Easter words. Before you begin, write several Easter-oriented words/phrases on pieces of paper or 3×5 cards. Make sure you have enough for at least two cards per person. Have students sit in a circle and pass out the cards to the students face down. STUDENTS MUST NOT LOOK AT THE CARDS AHEAD OF TIME. If they do, ask them to swap with another student.
Once the cards are in everyone’s hands, explain that you are going to create an Easter story together. As you go around the room, each person will get to write two sentences of the story. They will begin their turn by making up a sentence that continues the story. After that sentence, they will reveal the word on their card to everyone and then make up a second sentence that includes that word. The story will keep being written until all the cards are complete. After the explanation, ask one of the students to begin We know you don’t need help with words, but here’s some to get you started:
- Jesus
- Tomb
- Resurrection
- Bunny
- Chocolate
- Bible
- Egg Hunt
You can also add random words to make the story take a weird turn:
- explosion
- bathtub full of Jello
- dream
- where the wild things are
- spaceship