Grants | UMC YoungPeople
Connecting young people and their adult leaders to God, the church, and the world


Several different grants are available to support creative and innovative approaches to ministries for, with, and by young people. Young People’s Ministries also designates program money every year to support ministries at various levels of the UMC that may not fit the criteria for the grant programs listed here.
“Our project began with an awareness caravan in rural areas, who do not regularly receive support for women’s leadership or entrepreneurship.” – Youth & Young Adults Department, UMC in Cameroon

We offer two unique grants available for ministries for, by, and with young people around the world. Each grant has a two-stage application process that begins in January and is completed by June, for funding to begin the following year. Whether you are new to these grants or returning ministry partner, please read on for the process and details.

Global Youth Service Fund

The Global Youth Service Fund (YSF) is a unique grant program within the UMC, because all aspects involve youth. Youth create fundraisers and contribute money, youth decide what projects receive money, and all of the projects supported must be youth-designed, led by youth, and benefit young people. These projects are chosen based upon criteria established by the youth of the Division on Ministries with Young People. Their current priorities include (but are not limited to) community outreach and evangelism, leadership development, and justice work related to young people.

Learn more about who can apply for YSF grants and award policies

Grants for Ministries With Young People

Young People’s Ministries offers these grants through our program budget because we believe that dynamic, creative individuals and groups sometimes need resources to help a ministry become reality. These grants are meant to support creative and innovative approaches to ministry for, with, and by young people. These applications are often chosen for their ability to create systems and models, which create meaningful ministry and discipleship opportunities with young people, that can then be shared with and replicated throughout the United Methodist connection.

Learn more about who can apply for GMYP grants and award policies

Past Grants

Tips on Grant Applications and Proposals

Always, always, always read the guidelines before you begin the application process.
Is your project “youth or young adult led?” Does it benefit young people?
This application is supposed to be written, and the program designed and implemented primarily by young people.
Make note of the application due date and get it in as soon as possible.
Allow time for mailing the application– your application MUST arrive or be postmarked before the due date.
Make sure you sell your program, not the organization.
Proofread the document.
Double check websites and other references listed on your application.