List of Past Grants for Ministries with Young… | UMC YoungPeople
Connecting young people and their adult leaders to God, the church, and the world

List of Past Grants for Ministries with Young People Projects

Grants For Ministries With Young People


Resources for Peace with Justice - Philippines

As part of our expression of faith under witness and mission programs, the UMYFP aims to launch the project “Youth Campaign: Information and Resource Materials for Peace with Justice Ministries.” The program aligns with the call of the Church-Society and youth to create safe spaces for young people to learn and unlearn ideologies that would help them acquire knowledge and deepen their faith.

Cross Cultural Appointment Support for YP - Great Plains Conference, USA

Over the past few years, the Great Plains Conference has experienced an increased number of Racial-Ethnic and International clergy serving local churches whose members and surrounding communities represent the dominant culture. As a result, our racial-ethnic children are introduced to local churches and surrounding school and community events with many children who are racially different from themselves. This project will focus on having a facilitator create space for the children to dialogue about their experience and racial identity with other children who are encountering a similar journey within a Cross-Racial/Cross-Cultural (CRCC) context. The facilitator will also offer support and resources to help the parents understand what the youth are experiencing which most likely is not a familiar experience for the parent because of their lived experiences in their country of origin outside of the U.S. In addition, the project will also help local churches and area schools learn how to properly care for youth who are navigating the challenges of the CRCC context. It will be an opportunity for the community to receive information, resources, and teaching that will help them grow in their own intercultural competency and to learn how they can be better allies for youth and families of color.


Multi-Generational VBS and Social Justice - Missouri, USA

This project housed at a UMC aims to create a new multi-generational model for Vacation Bible School, including the creation of resources to be made available for sharing after the project completion. The VBS will focus on local justice issues.

UMC LEAD Cohort Year 2 - USA

The National leadership for young people in Cameroon seeks to develop the leadership skills of 150 women across the UMC in Cameroon. This can help to provide women with inroads to church leadership and to engage their local faith communities more actively. The training will include discipleship, leadership, and evangelism.

Young Women’s Leadership Development - Cameroon

The National leadership for young people in Cameroon seeks to develop the leadership skills of 150 women across the UMC in Cameroon. This can help to provide women with inroads to church leadership and to engage their local faith communities more actively. The training will include discipleship, leadership, and evangelism.

Struggle Bus: A Mental Health Initiative - Virginia, USA

Based on a college campus, this project will create an innovative space to address mental health in the student population. Our funding would combine with other sources to create a mobile mental health center, increasing the availability of services and creating more awareness about mental health needs.

Microgrant Development - Texas, USA

This campus ministry with a diverse student body seeks to create a micro-grant program to serve underprivileged students and communities. Our funding would combine with other funds to establish micro-grants to connect new people to the campus ministry and invite student leaders to innovate and connect with their diverse community in new and different ways.


UMC LEAD Cohort Year 1 - USA

In order to develop the next generation of young adult leaders for UMC, the need for training and helping them gain experience is critical.

Young Leader’s Academy - Philippines

The establishment of an ongoing young leader’s development project within the Zambales District of the Philippines.

Community Food Garden - USA

The creation of a food garden in a food desert, located near a college campus. Improved health and support for a campus ministry.

Bridge Builders - USA

Intentional cross-cultural communication and focus on anti-racist discipleship practices among young people.


School for Christian Youth Development and The Nerve To Serve Program – Philippines

The School for Christian Youth Development trains youths on Christian formation, equipping them to respond creatively and meaningfully to the challenge of living in the 21st century.

Wesley Foundation at Purdue Graduate Student Outreach – Indiana, USA

Through this program, students learn how to lead their peers and learn from each other. Staff members provide guidance when needed, but young people are entrusted with leadership. They direct discussion that brings new cultural and spiritual awareness. This personal sharing positively enables students to not only get to know students of different backgrounds and religions, but also to seek out diverse persons they encounter in their daily lives and bring them into the community of trust and respect.

Youth Ministry in St. John's UMC - Lviv, Ukraine

We began first by providing meals with members of the church in a way of mentorship. We opened up our church for youth meetings, began starting leadership teams with and for the youth specifically. We work mostly with children that have been orphaned or are in particularly difficult families. (ex. One or more parents have passed away, there is substance abuse, etc.) We have extended to include more one-on-one mentoring, retreated, leadership training, adding them to the worship team and teaching them worship leadership. Our “project” allows the teens to have a safe place to go, to spend time, a chance to encounter Jesus daily as their basic needs like food, and showering are provided. It allows us to go deeper with them and give them a chance to ask difficult questions in a safe environment while training them to lead their own lives as well as others.

S.O.C.I.A.L. Holiness 5: UMC Social Principles Coaching - Philippines

Share. Offer. Compassion. Initiate. Act. Lead. (SOCIAL) Holiness is the flag ship activity of the Bataan District United Methodist Youth Fellowship (UMYF) in their Ecumenical Church-Society Affairs (ECSA) Department. SOCIAL Holiness camp is an institutionalized activity that is conducted once every conference year in celebration of their ECSA month. It seeks to challenge the youth to Share the Good News, Offer what they can in any means they can, have Compassion for the oppressed, Initiate social change, Act toward justice and peace, and practice servant Leadership.

PANANAW – Philippines

Pananaw is the official newsletter of the National United Methodist Youth Fellowship in the Philippines, serving as the mouthpiece of the youth in expressing views and opinions concerning issues both inside and outside the church. Moving to be a presence that is felt not only within the church but also in the society, Pananaw seeks to push the boundaries of its ministry. It aims to increase awareness on issues on culture, injustice, discrimination, health, politics, and other issues relevant to the society, with the end goal of being able to address such issues and making positive change.


36th National Youth Conference Of The United Methodist Youth Fellowship In The Philippines – Philippines
NYC is a holy conferencing that inspires and empowers UMYFP leaders in being and making Disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.

Christmas Institute Leadership Training Of The United Methodist Youth Fellowship In The Philippines - Philippines
The Christmas Institute Leadership Training (CILT) of the Young People in the Philippines is one of the avenues that the NUMYFP provides leadership training for the young leaders to equip and to be equipped and to become more effective and efficient leaders from their respective level in a given context.

ECSA (Ecumenical & Church-Society Affairs) Camp – Philippines
The ECSA (Ecumenical and Church-Society Affairs) Camp has been a regular activity by the NUMYFP which includes community immersions and exposure programs. ECSA Camp offers great opportunities for young people to seek, learn, and discover what it means to go outside the four corners of the church.

Lao Youth Promoting Wellness, Team Building, & Sportsmanship – Laos
It is the aim of this program to provide a fellowship and a community of love and faith to the young people of Laos. It is our aim to train and develop Christian Youth Leaders, to provide them resources and to give them opportunities for studies, training, discipleship and servant leadership that they may become faithful and committed members of the Christian church.

Ministry for Vulnerable Children in Prisons – Democratic Republic Congo
In the DRC, children’s rights are violated, thousands of children and minors live in prisons; so, our project consists of pastoral assistance and support. It is a service to the weak, an action in the service of others, a special call from God to serve the unserved, to attain the unattainable. A missionary service (regardless of religion, sex, race...) a way to become the voice of voiceless, serve and not served in Kinshasa's prisons.

Girls Awareness Project on Early and Forced Marriage in Wembo Nyama Ecclesiastical District, Central Congo Annual Conference – Democratic Republic Congo
Project objective: Reduce the phenomenon of early and forced marriage in the District of Wembo-Nyama

School for Christian Youth Development and The Nerve To Serve Program – Philippines
The School for Christian Youth Development trains youths on Christian formation, equipping them to respond creatively and meaningfully to the challenge of living in the 21st century.

Shared Streets STL St. Louis, Missouri, USA
Shared Streets is a new, young adult led Fresh Expression ministry at Manchester United Methodist Church which seeks to meet young adults where they are outside the walls of our church. Focusing its efforts on South St. Louis City neighborhoods such as S. Grand, The Grove, and Cherokee St., this initiative seeks to create a space for community and spiritual development for those who have been largely excluded from traditional discipleship initiatives, specifically targeting millennials, LGBTQIA identified individuals, the unchurched, the agnostic or skeptic, and justice advocates.

Tech Wesley Rises Against Hunger – Atlanta, Georgia, USA
We desire to eliminate world-wide hunger and provide ownership through opportunities for our students to have a direct impact on ending hunger in the world. Student involvement includes, coordination, set-up, packaging, and shipment of dehydrated and vacuum sealed meals to those in need.

Terre Haute Friendship House – Terre Haute, Indiana, USA
Provide young adults with disabilities an opportunity to achieve independence while living alongside their peers. Based on the principles of Jean Vanier, the rhythm of the Friendship House is rooted in the idea that community happens when people "eat together, pray together, and celebrate together." The Friendship House model creates opportunities for young adults with disabilities to thrive during that critical stage following high school.

Youth Ministry – Nepal
Since Nepal is very poor country, every year more than half a million young people travel abroad in search of job. The villages are facing big crisis of young people, either they are in city or abroad. The churches are finding difficult to raise young people for the ministry. Moreover, the constitution of Nepal has banned all sorts of evangelism. The primary purpose of youth ministry is to bring young people together from different churches especially from 3 different districts of Province-1 in Eastern Hilly region of Nepal. The purpose is to provide specific training from the word of God to motivate them to take part in the church to strengthen the local church through vibrant witness and godly lifestyles to win more people in Christ.


Raising Awareness of Young Methodist Leaders on the Impact of Leadership in the Church – Kindu, Democratic Republic Congo
The project will train 100 young people to be leaders in the church. Upon completion of the training, these 100 young people will return to their home areas and pass the training on to other leaders.

MacMurray College Ministry Outreach Initiative - Jacksonville, IL, USA
This project will create a college ministry outreach program that will train students for discipleship and outreach ministries, and then utilize those skills in a range of 4 opportunities to serve.

Equipping the Less Privileged - Freetown, Sierra Leone
The project addresses the needs of isolated youth through funding of small-scale business plans. The business plans are put together by the young people seeking help. Through this program, young people are empowered to be self-reliant.

The Peaceful coexistence and Christian unity of young people - Beni, Democratic Republic Congo
The project aims to raise awareness among young people of the non-violence,, tribalism and Christian unity of young people in the Kivu, which has been plagued by armed conflicts, natural resources and tribalism.

La Estrella Resplandeciente (The Shining Star) - Garner, NC, USA
The project is a district-led mission project intended to serve local Hispanic children and their families with a purpose of building a bridge between diverse communities, so the walls are stereotypes are broken down through building of relationships.

Reintegration of Burundi Refugees into Society, Congo
This program will create conditions that promote integration with Burundian refugees and other displaced persons. The project will encourage socio-economic development actions, self-care instruction, and establish a peaceful environment within the community. Awarded: $5,000

Teenage Mothers' Empowerment and Economic Security (TMEES) - Ganta, Liberia
The project will reduce the vulnerability of teenage mothers through enhanced skills training and empowerment that will increase the number of high school graduates and give these girls the skills to take charge of their lives, maximize their potential and become ambassadors for the Church.

Youth Curriculum Seeding Program - Nashville, TN, USA
Through this project, affordable resources and training in a growing church demographic will be made available to smaller and financially challenged congregations within at least two Annual Conferences.

Awit Kay Yahweh 5: Ika'tlong Siglo ng Papuri - Manilla, Philippines
This program is a biennial songwriting competition led by the National United Methodist Youth in the Philippines. It aims to minister to the youth through fostering their musical talents and using their gifts to honor and build God's kingdom.

BCFUMC Next Gen Ministry Project - Baguio City, Philippines
The NextGen Ministry will strive to develop a place led by the Holy Spirit where youth will generate, pray and experience a safe, Christian environment and feel they are in a spiritual home where all people are nurtured in their faith journeys and are encouraged to grow in response to the constant challenges presented in a campus and work environment. Awarded:

National Youth Conference - Manila, Philippines

The National Youth Conference is the highest representative, legislative and deliberative body of the United Methodist Youth Fellowship in the Philippines. It seeks to ensure accountability among leaders, facilitate connections, foster deepened spirituality and faith renewal, and elect the new representatives for the upcoming quadrennium.

The Nerve to Serve (PPAC Leadership and Discipleship Formation Program) - Dagupan City, Philippines
This project will provide an avenue for the church to minister and nurture the young people through church workers and youth leaders tending to the needs of local young people.

CCYM Less Stress - Fulton, Maryland, USA
CCYM will develop a 24/7/365-available resource to help young people deal with the implications of teen stress, one of the largest inhibitors of youth development in US culture. The Christ-centered, youth-driven resource will address stress in the areas of relationships, time management, bullying, and depression. The resource will show how a solid relationship with Jesus Christ will help through these difficult times.

Imagine Mission as Career - Lakeland, FL, USA
The program will identify and recruit diverse, young adults not currently connected to church from outside the college/university system and introduce them to a robust, internship mission program to provide spiritual growth, vocational discernment, and career training, as well as expand the ministry and reach of the local church, social services and other ministries.

EmK "espirito" Youth Church – Karlsruhe, Germany
The Youth Church is dedicated to young people from the district, city and country, caring for teenagers and offering them a space to discuss their life and belief system. The young people have a wide spectrum of social, cultural, and religious backgrounds.

Selah Performing Arts Camp - Heavener, OK, USA
The Selah camps will offer mini-camps throughout the year for under-privileged young people, unable to afford lessons in the community.

Popularization of the Training Manual for Youth Leadership - Kindu, Democratic Republic Congo
To resolve the leadership challenges among the youth leaders and their supervisors, the program will put into place an outreach ministry division for distribution of the Africa Training Manual to youth leadership in all churches in all three conferences of the Congo.

Fraternal & Sister Youth Project - Mokba, Ukraine
To gather together young people from Ukrainian churches to strengthen relationships between young brothers and sisters. This will be done through meetings and prayer support in small group settings which can be held in local churches, according to gender.
Awarded: $2,500

Christmas Institute 2017 "Therefore, Go" - Cavite, Philippines
The funds will support the annual Christmas Institute. The Institute aims to unite young people in an experience of aligning projects with the vision of the Church. Young people will be empowered to go out and be a true disciple of Jesus Christ.

Hang Out Development - Bluford, IL, USA
The project is part of a unique strategy for the church to build deeper relationship between youth in the community by providing a free, afterschool care ministry open to all youth.

Outreach by Teach English – Vietnam
The project will require renovations to a small building to house ministry. The ministry will reach 100 students and will offer Bible studies while teaching students the English language.

Beats, Tweets, and Spiritual Feats – Detroit, Michigan, USA
The goal of this project is to train and engage youth and young adults of the Conant Garden Community in Christian formation, specifically through the use of technology and social media.

Campus Harmon – Freetown, Sierra Leone
To counter the rise in violence on campuses in Sierra Leone, this project will bring students together through Bible studies and small group fellowship to teach about how to show their faith through actions.

Caravan Mission Program – Baguio City, Philippines
The goal of this project is to train youth leaders in United Methodist faith and practices, leadership, hymnology, mission-immersion, discipleship and evangelism, and then send youth to selected areas in each district of the Annual Conference to serve remote communities.

Community Outreach Program – Roanoke, Virginia, USA
This project aims to provide a new preteen Christian curriculum, Art Theory sessions, and activities, such as first aid, gardening, drug and alcohol classes, and cooking lessons to youth in the neighborhood, many of whom are of low socioeconomic status.

Evangelism & Discipleship – Gombe State, Nigeria
The goal of this project is to share Christ among young people through training leaders, organizing community evangelism, hosting revival events, and following-up with and nurturing new disciples.

HLUVUKA – Maputo, Mozambique
The goal of this project is to eliminate drug use within the church-related community school by having an anti-drug activists’ group implement trainings, distribute educational information, create a welcoming counseling office for students, and organize two public health demonstrations.

LSMC Youth Leadership Development – Muang Nongkhaai, Thailand
The goal of this project is to strengthen the youth leadership through spiritual and leadership trainings to build a strong, committed church that reaches out to neighbors in need.

Mission Discovery: Ecuador – Brookings, South Dakota, USA
This project will bring 8 United Methodist young adults from the U.S. and 6 United Evangelical Methodist young adults from Ecuador together for a mission experience in Ecuador where they will work on a construction project and lead Vacation Bible School; they will also be offered team leader training to equip them to be future leaders of UMVIM mission journeys.

Music Ministry – “Melody in the Heart” – Uzhgorod, Ukraine
This project aims to provide new musical equipment for the worship team at Kamyanytsya Church; the replaced equipment will be passed on to the Roma church, and the worship team will give music lessons to those who plan to lead with the donated instruments.

Music Ministry & Discipleship Resources – Nueva Vizcaya, Philippines
The goal of this project is to hold Praise and Worship Gatherings at 30 local churches, and to provide training for at least 100 young people to evangelize and lead through praise and worship ministry.

Peaceful Conflict Resolution and Alternatives to Violence – Kindu, Democratic Republic Congo
The goal of this project is to look for ways and means of intervention to help find peaceful solutions to conflicts within the war-torn Fizi Territory and to challenge youth to the culture of non-violence.

RELAUNCH: Innovative Worship, Strategic Younger Outreach, Creative Discipleship -- Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA
This project aims to create a new worship, evangelism, and discipleship initiative at Epworth UMC that is led by young people in hopes to bring in other young people and young families to an innovative, multicultural worship and creative small group time; it will also provide leadership training for the youth and young adults leadership.

School of Youth Discipleship – Freetown, Sierra Leone
This project aims to provide a platform for youth from several districts to be educated in biblical discipleship and develop into leaders for the United Methodist Church.

SEEDS – Cookeville, Tennessee, USA
This project aims to create a Youth Ministry Cooperative between local churches and Wesley Foundations in order to train upcoming youth ministers along with youth volunteers.

Sunbeam Languages & Vocational Center & Scholarship – Vientiane Capital, Laos
The goal of this project is to create a center that provides opportunities for young people in the church and community to access a quality education and training for skills they can use to find jobs.

Wildflame Campus Ministry: Manufacturing Leaders of Leaders – Bulacan, Philippines
This project aims to further nurture and develop the leadership skills of the young people who have committed to being disciples of Christ through this campus ministry, by way of seminars, retreats, trainings, and small group community outreach.

Youth Center Espirito – Karlsruhe, Germany
This project seeks to maintain the youth center, which opens 5 times a week and provides a safe place for young people from any background to do homework, study, seek advice, and feel welcome to ask questions about life and faith.

Youth Ministry Coaching Program – Charlotte, North Carolina, USA
This project will recruit 10 youth leader participants to join an annual cohort that will equip and strengthen them to better serve young people and their families.

We are happy to provide more information about past Grants for Ministries with Young People projects and help you think about creatively addressing discipleship and young people’s needs!