December 2018
Retreat Planning Checklist You Can Use Today!

There is so many different elements to the events that we have to try to remember and I don’t know if you are like me but I tend to almost always forget something. So, here’s the checklist I use to make sure all the details get done. Hope this helps!
Pre- Retreat stuff
- Date of the Retreat
- Location of the retreat
- Make sure to know when payments and forms are due
- What is the cost per student
- Is the cost of the students going to cover cost of chaperones?
- Get chaperones
- What transportation will you be using? Church bus, Parent drivers, or renting buses
- Who is going to be the speaker?
- Who is going to be the band? Youth band or hire band?
- Put students and adults in housing
- How are going to take care of your adults on this retreat? Green room? Casseroles for the adults after the event?
Small group stuff:
- Write small group curriculum.
- Make small group booklets
- Put students in small groups
- What adults will be in what small groups
Worship Session stuff:
- Sound and media equipment
- Items the speaker needs for their talks
Games/other activities:
- Put students in teams for team games
- Supplies for up front games
- Supplies for team games
- Who is going to run up front games?
- Who is going to run team games?
- Put students in teams for team games
Post-retreat stuff:
- Return any borrowed equipment
- Debrief with team and a few adults
- Write thank you notes to all the Adults that helped you plan, run and chaperoned the retreat