Make Your Own Animal Icebreaker

Animals are fun all on their own, but this icebreaker takes that to a whole new level. Ahead of time, collect old magazines that have animal pictures (like National Geographic) along with scissors, tape, and plain white paper.
Start by giving each student a blank piece of paper and tell them that they are going to create a new animal. They can go through all of the magazines looking for animal pictures finding pieces they want. Then, they cut out parts of the animals they can use and tape together their new animal on the blank page. After they are done creating the picture, they need to name it. For example, someone might create a duckraffe (a giraffe with a duck head), etc.
When they are finished, have them share the animals, the name, and something they like about their creation. If you don’t have enough time to get the magazines let them draw it on the paper or a whiteboard.