2022 Grant and Scholarship Application Windows Open

Young People’s Ministries continues to offer financial support for ministry with young people and education through several grant and scholarship programs. The window to apply for grants and scholarships in 2022 is now open! More details are at the links listed in each description.
This program comes from The United Methodist Book of Discipline (paragraph 1208) and funds ministries by, with, and for young people. The funds raised by annual conferences for ministry projects with young people are shared with the global connection! Seventy percent of Youth Service Fund monies that are raised stay within the annual conference where they were raised; each conference then gets to determine how it makes those funds available to young people! Conference treasurers send thirty percent of any Youth Service Fund money raised to support the Global Youth Service Fund, which is administrated by the Division on Ministries with Young People. Applications for projects are now open, and those who are selected for funding will receive money in 2023. https://www.umcyoungpeople.org/global-youth-service-fund
This grant program is supported by Young People’s Ministries and Discipleship Ministries of The United Methodist Church, and it exists because of apportionment giving by local churches. These grants are available for creative and innovative approaches to ministry with youth and young adults. Applications for these grants are now open, and those who are selected for funding will receive money in 2023. https://www.umcyoungpeople.org/grants-for-ministries-with-young-people
Through a partnership with the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry (GBHEM), this scholarship program is a one-time award to support United Methodist students attending a university outside the United States. These applications are open and due on March 1. Funds for those selected for scholarships are for the upcoming 2022-2023 school year. These funds are sent directly to the university and applied to the enrolled students’ accounts for tuition and academic expenses. https://www.umcyoungpeople.org/global-scholarship-fund