Write Your Own Christmas Carol

For generations people have used music to help express the deepest parts of our faith. This activity will help student use their musical imaginations to explore the story of Mary. This is the active element of our Advent Lesson series called Prepare the Way. You can find all the lessons at the Prepare the way Page.
Break students into small groups and pass out a sheet of paper and markers to each group of students.
Tell the groups – You have 10 minutes to write your own Christmas carol about the Mary story. It needs to somewhere mention Mary, but doesn’t have to rhyme, and it can just be a handful of lines long. Start by choosing a style (hymn, broadway showtime, rap, country, etc.). Then spend the time writing your carol. Feel free to make them fun!
After 10 minutes has gone by have the students share their carols, and if bold they can sing (or rap) them for the group.
After the Activity:
- Ask the group for a show of hands – Which group wrote the best carol?
Final word – When we sing Christmas songs together in church we aren’t just singing a song, we are together remembering the Christmas story. Be inspired to really focus on the words of the carols the next time you sing and see the Biblical Christmas story proclaimed.