January 2019
Using Spiritual Gift Inventories with Youth

Spiritual gift inventories can be a lot of fun to use with students as they meet them right where they are developmentally: discovering their identity. Not only do they help students understand who they are, but they put that identity answer in the context pf spirituality hoping them see that who they are is a gift from God and can be used by God. This is part of our Epiphany Lessons for youth this year, but can be used on its own as well!
Begin by discussing spiritual gifts:
- According to Paul (1 Corinthians 12:1-11), where do spiritual gifts come from and why were spiritual gifts given?
- Why is it important to explore these gifts?
Take the time to have students do the inventory right now. I like this one from First UMC Richardson, or another from The Fun Church. Print them out ahead of time so that youth can complete them in the room. Then Take a moment to debrief the results:
- Are you surprised by the results? In what way?
- If you are not surprised, how do you see these gifts in your life?
- Looking at the results as a group, how can you use your gifts to serve the church?