Stories from the Summit: Cesar Reyes

By Cesar T. Reyes Jr.
Leaders need constant training and education. Most of the time that learning is in the form of seminars, team buildings, institutes, conferences, and other venues where vision and missions are paramount. I wanted to be a good leader. That is why I have been to many leadership seminars, trainings, and institutes. I read leadership a lot of books, watch YouTube videos about leadership, and ask other people about their experiences as leaders.
That’s why I was excited when I learned that I would participate in the Young Leaders Summit organized by Young People’s Ministries in the Philippines in November of 2016. I enjoyed taking part in sessions with great speakers and leaders in our church. Here is a rundown of some of the sessions during the Summit and my insights from each one.
[I learned that] as a leader, listening is one of the most important skills that we must have.
The 4 C’s of 21st Century Skills (Creativity, Critical thinking, Collaboration, Communication). Life in the 21st century is very fast paced, so we need to keep up or be left behind. These 4 C’s are connected to one another. As a young adult leader, I applied this concept and I could really say, it changed the way I see my area of ministry. It gave me new perspective, new ideas, new theories, new leadership styles.
Peace Building and Reconciliation. My biggest takeaway from this session was, if you can do something about a problem; if you can become part of the solution; if you have the courage to face division among people, then step up. Be bold and take action. That is one character of a leader.
Young People and Human Sexuality. As a leader, listening is one of the most important skills that we must have. In this topic, we get to know different ideas and perspectives regarding the acceptance of the “third gender” in our society and inside our church. I have my own perspective but I opened my mind about other perspectives, and it gave me more understanding about them.
Be bold and take action. That is one character of a leader.
Fundraising and Financial Management. One lesson that was tattooed in my mind is that when we do something for the Lord, he will prepare the finances we need. We have to look for those people who will sustain our ministries, ask them to walk with us, be in relationship, and be partners in ministry.
It was a pleasure to attend the Young Leaders Summit. I learned so many things! Without this event, I would be stagnant as a leader. It opened other doors for me to discover; it gave me greater curiosity about leadership inside the church; it showed me many perspectives on how to lead more effectively; and it gave me the go-ahead to enter ordained ministry at last. Thank you for the opportunity, and to those who want to lead, start by educating yourselves.
Cesar Reyes Jr attended the Young Leaders Summit in the Philippines, held in Subic Bay, Olongapo City, Philippines on November 2016. He is now pursuing ordination at the North West Philippines Annual Conference.