Seeking the Confidence of God | UMC YoungPeople
Connecting young people and their adult leaders to God, the church, and the world
August 2014

Seeking the Confidence of God

By: Alyssa Gillespie

“The cry of the Israelites has now come to me; I have also seen how the Egyptians oppress them. So come, I will send you to Pharaoh to bring my people, the Israelites, out of Egypt.” But Moses said to God, “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh, and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?” – Exodus 3:9-11

It was typical Friday afternoon on a college campus. The buildings were clearing out and getting quiet. Most students were already finished with their classes for the week and were making plans for the weekend. In the chapel, we gathered together, 5 of us – 4 soul searching young women and our fearless campus minister, to examine our hearts and discern God’s will for our futures. As a group and as individuals, we were working through the Purple Book of the Ministry Inquiry Process, which is a United Methodist workbook that helps individuals discern their calling into ministry. We spent an hour together each week asking questions, wrestling with our identities, and seeking clarity. On this particular Friday afternoon, we hit a wall. Our leader probed our searching saying, “Tell me about your gifts, your talents, your strengths.” You could have heard a pin drop. No one wanted to be the first to speak up, and instead we each responded timidly with “I don’t know.”

Several years later, it’s difficult to reflect on that afternoon when we all slowly admitted our insecurities, doubts, and fears. We were all gathered together because God had placed a call on our lives, but the further we explored our calls, the more we realized how little we believed in ourselves and in God to lead us.

The story of Moses’ call is a popular tale in churches across the world. We read in awe about the burning bush and the holy experience Moses’ encounters on the mountaintop. And while we know how the story ends, with Moses leading the Israelites out of Egypt, we forget Moses’ initial reaction to God’s calling: Who am I? Throughout Exodus 3 and 4, we read the question and answer dialogue between Moses and God. God calls Moses and Moses questions God. God then provides an answer to the question, but Moses is quick to ask another. This continues for several verses revealing Moses’ insecurities, doubts, and fears until finally Moses begs for someone else to be sent instead.

Moses eventually builds up the courage to say yes to God, and goes on to play an important role in God’s story. As young people, we are in a place of flux and uncertainty. We are figuring out who we are and where we are headed. We have doubts and fears, and more often than not, we let those things guide us instead of trusting in God. In some way, God is calling and equipping each of us to do something for the kingdom of God. When God asks us if we are ready to take on these tasks, let us not respond with questions, or “I don’t know,” but instead with the confidence and courage as people of God.

Discussion Questions: How is God calling you to live your life? Are you living in fear and doubt, or are you filled with the courage and confidence of God?

See more devotions from Alyssa and our other Young Adult writers, or find our how you can become a writer yourself, at our By Young Adults for Young Adults devotion page.