Mission & Service Opportunities at YOUTH 2023

Sign Ups for Service Opportunities Now Available!
Youth leaders – you have the chance to sign your group up for one-hour shifts on either July 26 or 27. Both Rise Against Hunger and the Society of St. Andrew service opportunities will take place onsite in the Ocean Center in Ballrooms A & B. We do have the capacity for each attendee at YOUTH 2023 to participate in at least one hour of service.
- Service opportunity shifts are one hour long and take place during the same hours as workshops and lunches on July 26 and July 27.
- The primary leader/chaperone for your group is encouraged to sign your group up for one shift, with as many members of your group who want to serve, doing so together.
- The one-hour shifts are “first come, first served” using SignUpGenius. Each shift has a maximum capacity of 250 people.
- If there are still spaces available for a shift on the day of the work, drop-in participation will be welcomed.
- Service opportunities are optional, so if groups or individuals do not wish to participate, workshops, the Upper Room Prayer Oasis, and the Exhibit Hall will all be open during the same times.
- Signing up for a service opportunity shift does mean giving up one of the six chances you have to attend workshops. If you serve, you will still have five other workshops you can attend.
- There is no additional cost to participate in any onsite service opportunity.
- July 26 all shifts are with Rise Against Hunger.
- July 27 all shifts are with Society of St. Andrew
Click here to sign up for Rise Against Hunger on Wednesday, July 26!
Click here to sign up for Society of St. Andrew on Thursday, July 27!
Rise Against Hunger
Rise Against Hunger (RAH) works across 19 countries on a mission to end hunger. At YOUTH 2023, RAH will be present on July 26. YOUTH 2023 attendees can be part of packing over 100,000 meals in one day! These meals will impact hungry communities internationally.
- Who is Rise Against Hunger? Click here to learn more.
- What is the Nutritional Value of an RAH Meal Kit?
- Want to learn more? Watch “It Starts with a Meal.”
Society of St. Andrew
The Society of St. Andrew (SoSA) brings people together to share healthy food, reduce food waste, and build caring communities by offering nourishment to hungry neighbors. At YOUTH 2023, SoSA will be present on July 27. YOUTH 2023 attendees will be a part of creating gleaning bags that will then make it possible for fresh food to be transported throughout the southeast. You can be a part of making it possible for fresh food to make its way to where it is needed most!
- Who is the Society of St. Andrew? Click here to learn more.
- Wonder how much food in the United States is WASTED?
- What does hunger look like in the United States?
- How is SOS positively impacting Florida?
- SOS can receive donations through the UMC’s connectional Network!
United Methodist Volunteers in Mission
YOUTH 2023 is July 25-28, 2023 (Tuesday to Friday), and we want to make it as easy as possible for your group to participate in mission or service opportunities on your way to or departure from Daytona Beach. The United Methodist Volunteers in Mission (UMVIM) have graciously offered their services to connect interested leaders with project sites in the U.S. for short-term mission/service experiences.
What an opportunity to break up a long drive and do some good along the way! If your group wrestles with how to engage in mission and attend YOUTH 2023, this partnership may be the easiest way to do both in the summer of 2023. Please click here for more information. Please feel free to print and distribute that graphic as a flyer as well.
- All youth groups in the U.S. are invited to participate in this opportunity.
- Project sites are being identified to host youth and their adult leaders before and after YOUTH 2023.
- Groups will share in community outreach, housing rehab, and mission tasks as determined by the mission site.
Stefanie Williams is the UMVIM YOUTH 2023 Team Leader and would love to hear from you about your interest in mission opportunities! She can be reached at Y2023@UMVIM.org.