Improv Case Studies

Having students think through how they should act in a certain situation can be facilitated by engaging their creativity. this activity will help students explore what it s like to act according to two realities: living as a follower of Jesus and living in the world.
Break your group into smaller groups of 3 or 4 people. Give each smaller group one of the examples below and ask them to come up with a brief skit, acting out first how to deal with the given situation as the world would deal with it, and then acting out how we, as followers of Jesus, should deal with the situation.
Here are some examples (you can also come up with additional ones that better fit your context of ministry):
- Welcoming someone new to your school
- Being pressured to break curfew
- Observing someone being bullied
- Being invited to a party where you know drinking and drugs will be involved
- Seeing an elderly neighbor outside struggle to shovel snow on a winter day
Come back together and share each group’s two skits and discuss what might tempt someone to choose the world’s actions rather than living as a follower of Jesus should.