I Have Been Given, So Too Shall I Give

All we have is a gift from God, and those gifts are meant to be used to make a positive impact on our world. This activity will help students not only identify what they have as gifts from God, but help guide them to seeing how they can use their resources to give back.
Create a hand out with “I have Been Given, So Too Shall I Give” across the top.
Make 2 columns under the title: one with “Given” and one with “To Give”.
In the “Given” column, have group members think of all the things they have been blessed with. These can be material things (like a car or a house) or gifts, talents, or abilities they have (like singing).
Then, in the “To Give” column, for each of the items in the “Given” have group members think of some way they can use that item to bring glory to and benefit the Kingdom of God. For example, they could use a car to deliver food to shut-ins or take a friend to school; they could use their musical ability in worship.
Have the group share what they have come up with