Believe in God's Faithfulness | UMC YoungPeople
Connecting young people and their adult leaders to God, the church, and the world
February 2016

Believe in God's Faithfulness

By Devotions From Malawi

This devotion is part of a series of devotions, written by young people from Malawi, for the Lenten journey. Check back next Friday for the next devotion in this series.

I lift up my eyes to the hills – from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made the heaven and earth.” Psalm 121: 1 – 2

Read Psalm 121

Imagine the person you love the most is sick and thinks that he is going to die. Your loved one is afraid of hell. In response, he comes to you and tells you that he doesn’t want to suffer in hell and then asks you to pray for his salvation. You have taught your friend how to pray for forgiveness before, but in his time of despair he tells you, “I have prayed for forgiveness but I didn’t feel it. No, I don’t believe in my heart.”

Such a situation might be difficult and challenging because we share both bad and good times with those we love. We feel sick when our beloved is sick and needs someone to encourage them. But how can we help when we ourselves feel like we need help?

The people we love tend to trust us. But if they despair then we also despair. And if we both despair, then who do we put our trust in? There is someone we can cling to, so faithful and true. His name is Jesus. His promises are worthy of believing and they provide strength in the darkest hour.

This Jesus was sent to die to save mankind. When he was on earth he was faithful and honest to himself and to the Father until his death, even death on the cross. You and I have points in our lives where we are not faithful. But Jesus remains is faithful to God as well as to us. When praying let us not see our faithfulness, but His faithfulness; not our feelings, but his promises.

Prayer: Lord, help us understand the things you do for us. Help us take you by your word and to trust and obey in the name of Jesus. Let it be.

Drepentine Chipofya

Jerusalem Circuit

A series of Lenten devotions written by young people from Malawai.