November 2018
3 Thanksgiving-Themed Icebreakers You Can Use Today

IT’s getting close to turkey day, and that means you might need a thanksgiving-themes icebreaker or two. Never fear! We have your back!
Steal the Turkey Leg
First, buy a 24″ inflatable turkey leg. Then, use this turkey take on the classic youth group game “Steal the Bacon.”
- Split your group in half and have them stand in two straight lines facing each other.
- Give students in each line a number starting with 1. (That means there will be two people with “1” two people with “2” and so on.)
- Put the Turkey Leg in between the lines.
- Call out one of the numbers.
- Each person with the number attempts to grab the turkey leg and return to their spot without being tagged. If they accomplish this feat, their team (line) gets a point. If they get tagged, the other team gets a point.
Thankful Bible Searching:
Make sure you have several students with access to a searchable Bible app, and break them into teams to answer these questions. Once everyone is done, have each team report back and vote as a group on which team’s answer was best.
- What is the strangest thing that someone gave thanks for in the Bible?
- What is the most loving thank-you offered in the Bible?
- What is something that someone has given thanks for in the Bible that you would not be thankful for?
You Ate What? A Thanksgiving Feast Questionnaire
Pair students up and ask them to answer these questions. Once they are finished interviewing each other, ask them to share the highlights with the group.
- What is the strangest casserole you’ve ever eaten?
- What is the most unique thing you’ve ever added to a turkey sandwich?
- What is your lest favorite type of pie?
- What is a family tradition around thanksgiving you wish wasn’t a tradition?
- What is the weirdest thing you’ve ever had to eat on thanksgiving?
- Do you keep everything separate on your plate, allow it to touch, or stir it al together?
- What is the strangest thanksgiving tradition you have ever heard of from your friends or family?
- How long do you consider leftover turkey ok to eat?
- What is your favorite way to consume leftover turkey?
- Gravy or no gravy? If gravy, what kind?
- Cranberry sauce should: be sliced from the can, mashed up in a bowl, cooked with real cranberries.