July 2020
'A Primer in Black Liberation Theology' Webinar
- July 28th, 2020 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
"A Primer in Black Liberation Theology" Webinar with Rev. Ray Jordan (M.T.S. '08)
Participants will explore:
- What is Black Liberation Theology? Discover the defining theoretical tenets.
- Why Black Liberation Theology NOW? Identify the contemporary needs that ALL congregations can fulfill at this moment.
- How do we move forward with Black Liberation Theology? Discuss the concepts. Ask questions, and gain clarity. Discern your path toward progress, regardless of denomination or demographics.
This three-hour training session will also include a Breakout Discussion for youth and children's ministers with Shanterra McBride.
Advanced registration ($30) will be available soon. Register at: https://www.smu.edu/Perkins/PublicPrograms/Webinars